Resources for Web3 Data Science & Quantitative Research (WIP)

About This Page

As a public good for open research, I maintain a curated list of resources for learning and researching the quantitative aspects of Web3 and DeFi. 

This list caters to researchers, analysts, enthusiasts, and students who are interested in these fields. Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to delve deeper, I trust you'll find value in the following sections.

A few things to note:

This page is work in progress. Feedbacks/suggestions are welcomed! (dm me on Twitter or Telegram @MingXDynasty) If I accept a suggestion I will add you to the contributor list.

Contributors: Mingxuan He

Last update: 07/23/2023

Web3 Basics

At some point it's better to just create a wallet and start experiencing

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) 

The deepest rabbit hole and where the fun's at


Data Sources / On-Chain Analysis Tools

Data does not lie, at least until people have analyzed it

For a survey and guide for on-chain data sources and tools check out this great guide by Xin Wan and Gordon Liao from Uniswap: On-chain data science guide, queries, and tools

Machine Learning / Statistics

Have to go through all the math, unfortunately

Learning & Research Communities

Join the smartest people


Academic conferences / workgroups

Advanced Topics

Things to grind on with a good supply of caffeine

Agent-based modeling

Algorithmic game theory

Complex networks

Dynamic macroeconomics

Financial mathematics

i.e. computational finance, financial engineering

Reinforcement learning

Zero-knowledge machine learning (zkML)

Research Papers

For those who enjoy reading abstracts, algebra, and maybe abstract algebra

Here're some high-impact papers related to Web3 & cryptocurrencies by subject. For a more complete list of published papers check out CBER's Blockchain Literature Catalog.

Economics / Finance - Theory

Economics / Finance - Empirical
